There’s a reason commercial printing companies ask customers to proof the print jobs they order. While the professionals you choose to work with review the project, having the client do a final review ensures absolute accuracy. Here are a few things to consider the next time you order cards, invitations, or other promotional products that require absolute accuracy.

1) Ask for a Proof

Typically, printing companies provide a proof to customers before they print. If you aren’t presented with one, ask for it. Depending on what the job entails, you may be offered a soft copy or hard copy.

soft copy proof typically comes in PDF format and is a visual replica of what the final product will look like. It can be emailed or traditionally mailed, depending on the customer’s preference, and there is no cost attached. A hard copy proof is an actual print of what your final product will look like. Hard copy proofs cost extra and should be reviewed in person.

2) Review it Carefully

To err is human, and any printing company is prone to error. At Acu-Data, we pride ourselves on our work and do our best to make sure each print job or promotional product is done correctly. Once our team has reviewed the proof, we rely on the client to examine the proof for errors and omissions. (Check out what happened to a t-shirt that wasn’t approved by the customer!)

If the client doesn’t approve the project, we won’t move forward. This is because we want to deliver the product exactly as you see fit.

3) What to Look For

Reviewing your proof in a quiet space devoid of distractions is highly recommended. Here’s what to look for:
a) Spelling – Did you spell everything correctly? Read the text slowly and out loud. Because you know your content so well, it is easy to overlook missing a word or two. When you’re done, ask someone else to review your text for any potential errors.

b) Numbers – Are your numbers accurate? Do you have the number 50 instead of 5? Did you drop a zero or a one? Again, read your copy out loud. Pass it along to someone else who might catch something you missed.

c) Colors – A soft copy proof isn’t usually printed on the same stock paper that your order will be printed on. Keep this in mind as you review the colors on your product, as they may be different. This isn’t unusual. If you have any questions, talk to your commercial printing company. They will assure you that the colors will be satisfactory. If you still feel uncertain, request a hard copy at an additional cost.

d) Photos – Are any images you included in the right place? Were they cut off at the edges? Review them carefully. Sometimes customers submit images that are too small. When they are transferred onto the print project, they may pixelate, or blur. If this is the case, reach out to the printer.


Your final call ensures absolute accuracy. Want to chat with us more about this process? We have customized solutions to help with internal business operations, as well as offer clear communication with our customers. We’re a small family-owned business with over 40 years of industry experience. Our primary mission is to serve you and deliver the best. Call us today and let’s create something amazing together. If you would like to learn more about us or our line of print-related marketing services, please contact us online and schedule a no-obligation consultation or call 1-800-535-6563 to get started today!