Printing Tips

The Importance of Proofing

2020-09-30T12:51:02-04:00April 21st, 2020|Categories: Business Development, Finishing, Printing Tips|Tags: , |

There's a reason commercial printing companies ask customers to proof the print jobs they order. While the professionals you choose to work with review the project, having the client do a final review ensures absolute accuracy. Here are a few things to consider the next time you order cards, invitations, or other promotional products that require absolute [...]

How to Save Money on Printing – Part 2 – Postcards

2020-09-30T12:51:17-04:00April 3rd, 2020|Categories: Direct Mail, Marketing Tools, Printing Tips|Tags: , , |

You have the copy ready and the colors chosen. You have the addresses updated and ready to go. The only thing you don't have is a solid idea on how to print your direct mail postcards efficiently. But worry not my friends, we here at Acu-Data do. We also have some really good news on the mass mailing [...]

Make an Impression With Great Packaging

2020-09-30T12:52:02-04:00March 20th, 2020|Categories: Marketing Tools, Printing Tips, Promotional Products|Tags: , , |

Any business can package their products in an ordinary box or bag. And in many instances, they do. But what if you used unique packaging design options that made you stand out from the rest? Would it increase your sales? Experts say that it would. Customized packaging adds perceived value and can ultimately improve your bottom line. [...]

How to Save Money on Printing – Part 1 – Envelopes

2020-09-30T12:52:11-04:00March 13th, 2020|Categories: Printing Tips|Tags: , |

Got envelopes? Lots of envelopes? If you need to print a mass quantity for an upcoming mailing campaign, you don't have to overspend to do it. As a commercial printing company, Acu-Data has the knowledge and know-how when it comes to printing envelopes of all shapes and sizes. We know the little secrets and shortcuts [...]

Are You Happy With Your Current Commercial Printer?

2020-09-30T12:52:43-04:00February 13th, 2020|Categories: Business Development, Print Industry News, Printing Tips|Tags: , |

If you need a large amount of printing done but you're not happy with your current commercial printer, taking the time to find one that aligns with your needs can make a world of difference. Your products and services, as well as how you communicate those to the world reflect you and your branding. Therefore, [...]

Can I Set Up My Own Artwork for Printed Material?

2020-09-30T12:52:57-04:00January 16th, 2020|Categories: Business Development, Printing Tips|Tags: , |

It's not unusual for business owners to create their own artwork for printed material. It saves time, money, and man-hours. However, if it's not done right, business owners could end up spending more money in the long run. If you're looking to create a usable file to send to a printing company, there are some things to [...]

The New Year Calls for a New Business Card

2020-09-30T12:53:06-04:00January 12th, 2020|Categories: Business Development, Marketing Tools, Printing Tips|Tags: , |

Having a business card on hand at all times is one of the most effective marketing tactics you can employ. Not only do business cards increase the awareness of your company, but they also provide pertinent contact information to existing and prospect customers. When was the last time you took a good look at your [...]

Digital vs. Offset Printing – What’s the Difference?

2020-09-30T12:56:17-04:00August 24th, 2019|Categories: Business Development, Print Industry News, Printing Tips|

There are many ways to promote and grow your business, but most small businesses avoid the hassle of printing their marketing materials until the eleventh hour. We get it! With everything else on your plate putting in a print order is not a top priority until it is a priority. Understanding what type of printing you [...]