Anyone that has ever attended or participated in a trade show knows that the impression you leave your customers with is important but making sure their time spent with you is memorable can seal the deal. Promotional products are one of the most effective ways to keep your business top-of-mind long after the trade show is over. Trade shows are a fantastic way to reconnect with existing clients, bring clients back you may have lost touch with, or an opportunity to find new clients as well. They also offer a unique opportunity for business professionals to meet one another and see what they have to offer and to see how the landscape is changing.

Your promotional items make a huge difference in both the way that you are perceived and in the way that your company is remembered. Items like retractable banner stands, table-throws, signage and promotional gifts can do wonders for making your booth more noticeable and getting more of the types of customers you want.

However, the power and effectiveness of promotional products do not start and stop with trade shows and networking events. Integrating these promotional tools into your regular marketing mix can truly leave a lasting impression and help strengthen existing customer relationships.

Are Promotional Products Really that Powerful?

Are Promotional Products Really that Powerful?

In a study done in the last five years across 15,000 promotional product recipients, revealed some interesting statistics which confirm the benefits of using promotional products in marketing:

  • 66% of recipients claimed they could recall the brand on the promotional product received within the last 12 months
  • ROI on promotional products was higher than radio and outdoor advertising and matched that of print and TV
  • 79% claimed they were likely to do business with the company again
  • 87% kept a promotional product longer than a year
  • 56% said their impression of the company improved after receiving the promotional item

Using Promotional Products in Advertising

Using Promotional Products in Advertising

The first and often most important aspect of promotional products are that they give you lasting visibility. When meeting with prospects, you can share pamphlets, brochures, business cards, etc. and tell them about your products and services, but once they leave, they are likely to forget most of what you shared. Including a useful promotional gift, even something as simple as a notepad, pen, magnets that are used every day can keep your company in the running when the need arises for the products and services you offer. By offering a simple promotional gift, you keep your name in their field of vision for much longer which will increase the likelihood of generating new business.

The promotional products that you offer can also help strengthen your story and provide opportunities for those who may not have time to meet with you for very long to learn more about what your company does and what it can do for them.

Promotional items are a fantastic way to dig deeper into what you stand for and what your company represents. A wonderful example of this is a customized promotional calendar that has information about products or services you offer and also tells a bit more of the back story about your company. Each page of the calendar becomes another opportunity to remind them about your company. This type of advertising is lasting and can help bring your company to the forefront time and again.

Marketing with Promotional Products

Marketing with Promotional Products

Promotional products are also a great way to market your company and tell your potential customers what you sell, what services you offer, and what you hope to achieve through your business. Promotional products tell the story that you may not have the time to tell when you are talking to people on the tradeshow floor or during a quick sales meeting. These products can also send the message that you value their business and are dedicated to serving them when providing a thoughtful promotional gift.

Functional Marketing and Advertising

Functional Marketing and Advertising with Promotional Products

The most popular promotional products over the past few years have been USB drives, pens, an electrical item or a mug. These items are all used regularly and have a purpose which not only makes the gift thoughtful, but something that is likely to stick around far longer than your business card or brochure alone ever will.

Additional advantages of promotional products include the fact you can personalize just about anything these days. This means no matter who your clientele might be and no matter the market you will be able to find something that resonates with customers and sends the right message.

Finding the Perfect Promotional Gift Can Be Easy

Work Smarter, Not harder - Leave the Promo Product Shopping to Us

Anyone who has tried to find and personalize a promotional item in the past is probably aware of how time-consuming and frustrating it can be. There are millions of options to sift through and thousands of vendors. Knowing which vendors are reputable, if the product shown reflects the end product received, and how to set up artwork, anticipate shipping timelines, etc. can make the thought of creating a promotional gift too much to put on your plate.

Acu-Data is a licensed promotional products distributor and a member of the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), the worldwide leader in high-quality promotional products. Our team takes the legwork out of finding the perfect promotional gift, setting up artwork, and getting the order placed and on its way to your door. Leave the worry to us so you can focus on what you do best. We also take the time upfront to discuss your needs in detail to learn more about your needs, what the promotional item is for, and much more at no additional cost. We are committed to delivering the right product at the right price!

If you would like to learn more about our promotional product services or products we have available, please contact us online and schedule a no-obligation consultation or call 1-800-535-6563 to get started today!